Flash @Shekhar Kallianpur


Shekhar Kallianpur Reviews


Shekhar Kallianpur

Shekhar Kallianpur was born into a traditional religious family not able to find solace and strength he had a dissatisfaction of the mundane lifestyle bit by the guilt of living life of compromise with a hypocritical fasho, living double standards over the years was frustrating, bringing slothfulness in the spiritual realm with such a long drawn life of orphan spirit, loneliness brought much damage to his emotions birthing frustration and rage, life was simply meaningless.

Shekhar Kallianpur was longing in his teenage years for a loving and meaningful life, he could not find fulfillment in his routine religious practices, he began to search for truth in any form and every form. Shekhar was doing religious practices even in the form of new age through meditation in every form.

One day his good friend gave him the holy scriptures saying if he opens the holy scriptures the Holy Spirit will come and if he reads the holy scriptures the Holy Spirit will speak to him and if he obeys the holy scriptures Holy Spirit will manifest His power and glory.

In 1979 during his college days at early hour of 3 am in the morning Shekhar opened the holy scriptures and that day he had a divine encounter with the Holy Spirit at one encounter with God and that one encounter with the Holy Spirit continues birthing inward renewal and outward transformation in becoming a better Human Being, better Son, better Husband, better Father, better Grandfather, better Global Citizen.. NO TURNING BACK !!!

Shekhar Kallianpur continues since that day with this daily declaration of Acts 17:28 - ‘For in Him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are His offspring.’


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